Friday, May 6, 2011

Continuing Service Outside of School

After the meeting on May 3rd concluded, a lady came in to give us some flyers, handouts, and opportunities to participate in three different programs:

  1. The NCCC- it is for those who are graduating from high school and are from the ages of 18-24; its main purpose is to provide hands-on service with activities such as: cleaning up a park, building a house, larger things like that.
  2. Vista- anyone can get involved, there is no age limit, but it deals with more of the behind the scenes projects like creating a plan for a community event.
  3. Americorp- Once again there is no age limit and this is pretty much just a continuation of NHS in that you do the typical types of service like tutoring and food drives.
Scanned copies of the handouts are coming soon!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

NHS Meeting May 3 2011

Start: 2:21 pm
     motioned by Grady and Jennifer

Adopt-A-Highway: the application is still being processed and so we may need to do a summer cleanup date- please give your contact information to Mrs. Russell so that she can let you know when it is.

Hours are due this Friday at the latest, please let her know if you have any issues with that.


  • Stolls are not in yet, but Mrs. Russell will get them into you ASAP if you don't have them by the Thursday of graduation, than she will be at the rehearsal, but please don't wait until the last minute.
  • Remember that you will not receive your stolls if you don't pay your dues.
End: 2:26 pm 
     motioned by Isaac and Nick