Thursday, November 17, 2011


Everyone needs to remember to pay their dues to Ms. Russell! They need to be paid by the end of November. If you don't pay them, we cannot get our t-shirts.
  • Seniors: $20.00 (Includes graduation stole)
  • Sophomores and Juniors: $10.00

Meeting 11/1/2011

Motion To Begin: @ 2:32 p.m.
  • by Megan
  • 2nd: John
I. Vote on T- Shirt Design
  1. Officers get to vote on the design.
II. New Gavel
  1. Motion passed to buy a new gavel. Not to exceed $60 in price.
III. Contact
  1. You need to get a contact authorization form from Ms. Russell. Please ask for a new one if you lost the one that you were given.
  2. Get Ms. Russell's email address so that you can be updated on events, meetings, etc.
IV. New Business
  1. Thursday is the induction ceremony. Old members need to bring food, desserts, drinks, plates, cups, and napkins.
  2. Please dress appropriately for the ceremony in formal attire.
  3. Doors will be open @ 7:00 p.m. New members need to get invitations for family and friends.
  4. Return your index cards to Ms. Russell.
  5. Old members need to be at GHMS @ 5:30 p.m.
V. Highway Cleanup
  1. The highway cleanup will most likely be held in December.
VI. Treasurer Election
  1. John Brewer
  • Brionna seconds
   2. Austin Turner
  • Tyler Silva seconds
   3. Samantha Sirk
  • Sophie Custis seconds
VII. More New Business
  1. Walk for Alzheimers.
  • Meg Fenzy- coordinater
  • 3rd party event
  • advertisement for the walk?
  • get HOSA involved in the walk as well.
  • activities that clubs within the school can participate in.
  • 9 am to about 1 pm on a Sat.
  • Spring, Early March
  • Alexis motions for the walk, Laura seconds.
  • Motion passed.
  • We need a committee to ask clubs for help. Jen will ask Mu Alpha Theta, and John will ask the Art club. Megan will ask HOSA.
  • We will need others on the committee.
  • Donation and Registration booth. Raffle tickets?
  • How much to raise? Alexis Brewer motions $1,500; Megan Waltman seconds.
VIII. Meeting Adjourned
  1. @ 3:20 p.m.