Thursday, November 17, 2011


Everyone needs to remember to pay their dues to Ms. Russell! They need to be paid by the end of November. If you don't pay them, we cannot get our t-shirts.
  • Seniors: $20.00 (Includes graduation stole)
  • Sophomores and Juniors: $10.00

Meeting 11/1/2011

Motion To Begin: @ 2:32 p.m.
  • by Megan
  • 2nd: John
I. Vote on T- Shirt Design
  1. Officers get to vote on the design.
II. New Gavel
  1. Motion passed to buy a new gavel. Not to exceed $60 in price.
III. Contact
  1. You need to get a contact authorization form from Ms. Russell. Please ask for a new one if you lost the one that you were given.
  2. Get Ms. Russell's email address so that you can be updated on events, meetings, etc.
IV. New Business
  1. Thursday is the induction ceremony. Old members need to bring food, desserts, drinks, plates, cups, and napkins.
  2. Please dress appropriately for the ceremony in formal attire.
  3. Doors will be open @ 7:00 p.m. New members need to get invitations for family and friends.
  4. Return your index cards to Ms. Russell.
  5. Old members need to be at GHMS @ 5:30 p.m.
V. Highway Cleanup
  1. The highway cleanup will most likely be held in December.
VI. Treasurer Election
  1. John Brewer
  • Brionna seconds
   2. Austin Turner
  • Tyler Silva seconds
   3. Samantha Sirk
  • Sophie Custis seconds
VII. More New Business
  1. Walk for Alzheimers.
  • Meg Fenzy- coordinater
  • 3rd party event
  • advertisement for the walk?
  • get HOSA involved in the walk as well.
  • activities that clubs within the school can participate in.
  • 9 am to about 1 pm on a Sat.
  • Spring, Early March
  • Alexis motions for the walk, Laura seconds.
  • Motion passed.
  • We need a committee to ask clubs for help. Jen will ask Mu Alpha Theta, and John will ask the Art club. Megan will ask HOSA.
  • We will need others on the committee.
  • Donation and Registration booth. Raffle tickets?
  • How much to raise? Alexis Brewer motions $1,500; Megan Waltman seconds.
VIII. Meeting Adjourned
  1. @ 3:20 p.m.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

NHS Meeting #1 August 22, 2011

Let's get involved with our community and show them why we are chosen to be members of the National Honors Society. We are more than our academics. We are leaders.

Called to order @ 2:26 pm. Seconded by Jennifer Wiser.

A. Longer Meetings
  1. Contribute more
  2. Be the leaders of the school that we are.
B. Dues
  1. $20 for Senior members (for cords for graduation)
  2. $10 for everyone else
  3. This way we can have new t-shirts this year! Yay!
C. Tutoring
  1. Wednesdays 1:15-2:15
  3. MANDATORY! At least once per semester. Additionally, members need to attend at least 1 other NHS provided community service event.
  4. Also, Math Tutoring in Blazcyk's and Young's.
D. Highway Clean-up (scheduled 3 times a year)
  1. First Clean-up: September 3
  • Should have @ least 10 people
  • Scheduled from 9-11 AM.
  • Have to come into Ms. Russell's to watch video in preparation for the clean-up.
  • NHS adopted part of Highway 89A.
  • Bring Work Gloves
  • Need to fill out permission slips (see Ms. Russell for details)
  • Must meet at school before we head out to the highway as a group. Carpool?
E. Wednesday Open House   Already happened.
  1. NHS members give tours/help ppl find their way
  2. Counts towards service hours
F. A Walk for Alzheimer's --October 1 at Prescott Square (8-11am)
  1. A good way to help.
  2. Whoever wants to participate can sign up as an NHS club
  3. We want to reaise money but there is no required amount. If we individually want shirts, raise $100.
  4. Megan Waltman motions for participation in the Walk for Alzheimer's.
  • Sophie Custis seconds, and motion is passed.
G. Group Picture for Yearbook--taken by historian.


Mtg. was adjourned @ 2:41pm. John Brewer seconds the motion to adjourn.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Continuing Service Outside of School

After the meeting on May 3rd concluded, a lady came in to give us some flyers, handouts, and opportunities to participate in three different programs:

  1. The NCCC- it is for those who are graduating from high school and are from the ages of 18-24; its main purpose is to provide hands-on service with activities such as: cleaning up a park, building a house, larger things like that.
  2. Vista- anyone can get involved, there is no age limit, but it deals with more of the behind the scenes projects like creating a plan for a community event.
  3. Americorp- Once again there is no age limit and this is pretty much just a continuation of NHS in that you do the typical types of service like tutoring and food drives.
Scanned copies of the handouts are coming soon!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

NHS Meeting May 3 2011

Start: 2:21 pm
     motioned by Grady and Jennifer

Adopt-A-Highway: the application is still being processed and so we may need to do a summer cleanup date- please give your contact information to Mrs. Russell so that she can let you know when it is.

Hours are due this Friday at the latest, please let her know if you have any issues with that.


  • Stolls are not in yet, but Mrs. Russell will get them into you ASAP if you don't have them by the Thursday of graduation, than she will be at the rehearsal, but please don't wait until the last minute.
  • Remember that you will not receive your stolls if you don't pay your dues.
End: 2:26 pm 
     motioned by Isaac and Nick

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Next NHS Meeting

Just as a heads up, the next NHS meeting will be this next week, Tuesday May 4th. 
       All elected officers for next year need to be there so that you can shadow the position and get an idea of your responsibilities. 
Hope to see you all there!

Monday, April 25, 2011


Just as a reminderNHS is trying to collect as many e-mails as possible so that you can stay informed on meetings and dates. Please either e-mail it to Mrs. Russell or stop by her room in the F-Pod and give it to her. 

Thank you!

NHS Meeting April 19 2011

Meeting called to order at 2:23 by Isaac and Ayla

  • PLEASE pay your dues, they were due by Winter Break, but we are still accepting them!
  • Motion to approve the PO for Graduation Stolls: we will spend no more than $149.59
    • Motion made by Jordan and Seconded by Dakota, "I''d by everyone else
  • Stolls are on their way
  • Motion to approve "Adopt-A-Highway" by Josh, seconded by Ryan
    • April 30th date has been postponed, sorry for the inconvenience
Nominations for Next year's officers:
President: Kaitlyn Charleton
                  Josh Sanders
                  Austin Kent
Vice President: Ryan Madler 6
                       Samantha Sirk 6
                       Sophie Custis 7
                       Austin Kent 4
                       Jennifer Wiser 5
Secretary: Ayla Bowman 6
                  Ashley Hodes 7  17
                  Jessica Schuchard 4 (sorry about the spelling!)
                  Austin Kent 7    ---
Treasurer: Ryan Madler 7
                  Austin Kent
                  Wesley 5
                  Logan Marshall 8
                  Austin Turner 3
                  Samantha Sirk 4
Historian: Kristen Martin 8
                 Jennifer Wiser 6
                 Austin Kent 2
                 Megan Waltman 9 (sorry about the spelling!)
Activities Coordinator: Jessica Schuchard 4 (sp?)
                                      Jennifer Wiser 7
                                      Austin Kent 4
                                      Samantha Sirk 2
                                      Ryan Madler 6

Next Year's Officers Are:
President: Kaitlyn Charleton
Vice President: Sophie Custis
Secretary: Ashley Hodes
Treasurer: Logan Marshall
Historian: Megan Waltman (sp?)
Activities Coordinator: Jennifer Wiser

Meeting adjourned at 2:42 by Stephanie and Megan

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

NHS Meeting March 8, 2011

Meeting was called to order at 2:25.


  • We are sucking as an NHS Club.  Honor your commitments! Once you sign up to do something, you MUST do it, no questions asked! It is your responsibility.
  • If you don't fulfill your NHS duties, your membership will be revoked, and you would have to re-apply the following year. For further questions, ask Mrs. Russel or any of the NHS officers.
Volunteer Opportunities:
  • Coyote Springs neeeeeds your help! They have 50+ students signed up for the program in need of tutoring. If you're confused as what to do when you're there, ask for Susan Richards.
  • Math Tutoring: Tuesdays and Thursdays with Mr. Blazcyk. Share the love and have more than the same people volunteer EVERY TIME. Thank you very much for those who do.
  • As always there is tutoring after school on Wednesdays in the Cafeteria.
Next Meeting is.... April 6th! Be prepared to nominate and elect new officers for the next year.

  • Pick up a service hours sheet.
  • We are working of "Adopt-A-Highway". The 1st clean-up is scheduled for Saturday, April 30th.
Meeting adjourned at 2:36 by Martin and Chelsea.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Reminder of next meeting!

There is a meeting this Tuesday March 8, 2011 in Mrs. Russell's room!

Yes, this is also Mardi Gras! : )

Meeting is Mandatory, See you there!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

NHS Meeting February 1 2011

Meeting was called to order at 2:22 by VP Caitlin Bradley.

  • Pictures were taken of the group for Yearbook
  • NHS Senior Spotlight (Represents NHS in this year's yearbook for all NHS stands for) is... Mariah Lau! Congratulations!
  • NHS is Adopting a Highway! Yay! Now, we need to schedule a date for Highway clean-up. Let's make our community a nicer place to live.
  • PAY YOUR DUES! Seniors Pay: $15 
  • SENIORS if you have not paid your dues, they must be turned in ASAP if you want your things from NHS for Graduation! Please do not miss this prestigious chance because you were lazy!
  • For anyone who still has not paid their $5 dues, this includes Seniors for their $15, notes will be issued. This may be harmful to your membership!
  • Every member MUST attend every meeting. If you continue to miss meetings, you will be taken out of NHS. Meetings are held the 1st Tuesday each month! Spread the word!
  • TUTOR! : ) 
Community Service Hours:
  • Lake Valley had a Science Fair the week of Feb. 14. If you came to the meeting, signed up for it, and went... good for you! That was a good service opportunity.
  • Tutoring is held every Wed. after school in the cafeteria. An hour is not that difficult and makes easy service hours! COME! Every member has to tutor at least once anyway, so just sign up for a date and do it.
  • Also, on Tuesday's, Freshman need tutoring on Algebra I. If you know math, then reach out. Volunteer!

Meeting adjourned at 2:34 by Isaac Lorton. Seconded by John Brewer.