Thursday, September 1, 2011

NHS Meeting #1 August 22, 2011

Let's get involved with our community and show them why we are chosen to be members of the National Honors Society. We are more than our academics. We are leaders.

Called to order @ 2:26 pm. Seconded by Jennifer Wiser.

A. Longer Meetings
  1. Contribute more
  2. Be the leaders of the school that we are.
B. Dues
  1. $20 for Senior members (for cords for graduation)
  2. $10 for everyone else
  3. This way we can have new t-shirts this year! Yay!
C. Tutoring
  1. Wednesdays 1:15-2:15
  3. MANDATORY! At least once per semester. Additionally, members need to attend at least 1 other NHS provided community service event.
  4. Also, Math Tutoring in Blazcyk's and Young's.
D. Highway Clean-up (scheduled 3 times a year)
  1. First Clean-up: September 3
  • Should have @ least 10 people
  • Scheduled from 9-11 AM.
  • Have to come into Ms. Russell's to watch video in preparation for the clean-up.
  • NHS adopted part of Highway 89A.
  • Bring Work Gloves
  • Need to fill out permission slips (see Ms. Russell for details)
  • Must meet at school before we head out to the highway as a group. Carpool?
E. Wednesday Open House   Already happened.
  1. NHS members give tours/help ppl find their way
  2. Counts towards service hours
F. A Walk for Alzheimer's --October 1 at Prescott Square (8-11am)
  1. A good way to help.
  2. Whoever wants to participate can sign up as an NHS club
  3. We want to reaise money but there is no required amount. If we individually want shirts, raise $100.
  4. Megan Waltman motions for participation in the Walk for Alzheimer's.
  • Sophie Custis seconds, and motion is passed.
G. Group Picture for Yearbook--taken by historian.


Mtg. was adjourned @ 2:41pm. John Brewer seconds the motion to adjourn.

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